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Since the world has recently stepped into the pandemic Era, or let’s be more optimistic and call it the pandemic phase, it turned our lives upside down, changed all our routines, and made the dream of working from home wearing whatever makes us comfortable with no need to think about your style, what will you get -dressed tomorrow and other concerns related to jammed streets and commuting issues, come true.

But to be honest this golden chance the pandemic gave us to make money from home proved to be negative and has dark sides, not just one but many. As the months of settling at home have carried on more than expected, we found ourselves slipping into bad habits. 

Any one of us could be a part of this and may need someone to play the role of your health alarm system that will tell you what are the bad habits that may harm your health and how to set a healthy routine.

We, the MSA team, decided to take it over and remind you of the bad habits that you should avoid and how to avoid them, just keep reading: 

  • Lack of time management
  • Forgetting to stay hydrated
  • Not giving yourself sometime in the morning before work
  • Ignoring breaks and working through the lunch break
  • Sitting for long hours 

Let’s explain more and dive into details…

  • Lack of time management

Statistics have shown that remote employees work 30 minutes longer in the lockdown and working after hours and on weekends has become more common, and the time you thought that you gained by not commuting emerged that it has come back to haunt you as reports or video calls.

setting your schedule when it comes to work is an essential skill to have, it

may not be the fault of your employer that your hours have started to sneak up.

But Just because you’re almost 24/7 at home doesn’t mean you should be working all day long. 

So set strong guidelines with yourself and turn off the machine when the weekend

comes around or your shift ends and encourages yourself to give some time for yourself

  • Forgetting to stay hydrated

Although it’s not true that you need to drink a full eight glasses of water a day, we can’t deny that staying hydrated has plenty of benefits. Many apps will help you remember to drink, try water reminder. This app will remind you to drink enough water, you only need to select a gender and enter your weight and it will help you calculate how much water you should drink per day.

  • Not giving yourself sometime in the morning before work

Working from home may have given you the chance to sleep for some more minutes in the morning than usual, but starting to work immediately after waking up will get you more confused. Waking up 30 minutes earlier giving yourself some time away from screens and phone calls will help you have a fresh start and a more productive day

  • Ignoring breaks and working through lunch break if you feel like an hour-long break is not possible for any reason, set reminders during the day for small breaks.

Through these small breaks remember to have snacks, move around, make some exercises, and the most important step away from your workspace. 

Remember, we’re not machines that can run all day long and we need to take breaks to fuel up our energy.

  • Sitting for long hours

No matter how busy you are, it is extremely important to move around now and then. If the weather outside is bad, you can try moving around your apartment walking here and there, or try a simple stretching routine to get your blood flowing. There are plenty of free tutorials on YouTube, or you can fire up a workout app for a quick routine — even 10 makes a difference!

 As you see there are dozens of ways to re-energize yourself while working from home. 

So don’t crack, and set your healthy routine.


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